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Lake Tahoe is amazing. The water so blue and the air so cool while hanging out there. I liked driving it and shooting photos

From there, I made my way to Yosemite, I was about 20 miles from hwy 120 which would take me the National Park driving another 80 miles when a flashing sign read, “Highway 120 closed.” My Garmin yelled the same plus, “Take an alternative route, recalculating.” I had to drive back and around to the west side. 160 miles. Come to find out there was a rock slide that caused the hwy to be closed. If I only waited, they had the road cleared I could have taken the shorter route and saved a ton of time. It was a brutal day of driving.

I arrived at the park at around dusk. I was tired and needed a shower and to do some laundry. I looked for a hotel and everything was booked so I would need to drive back down. Didn’t want to do that so I sucked it up and I parked on a pull out on the side of the road and slept in the Element as usual.

Woke up the next day had breakfast at a little local Cafe’ and spent the rest of the day in Yosemite. As of now, my favorite park since starting my road trips in 2017. I couldn’t stop hiking and shooting photos. I could be there for days. Just need to plan better for that park. But, I will be back because I found out I missed out on hikes I didn’t know about. I just didn’t like the drive up. Not fun

The drive back down was at night and was brutal as well for me. The roads windy, dark, narrow and slow. 100 miles later, I ended up in Mammoth Lakes around midnight and found a hotel.. Took a badly needed shower and crashed.

I’m outside of Las Vegas now. Have no interest in going to the strip. I will be up early and head to the Valley of Fire.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Peg

    Wish you wouldn’t drive on crazy mountain roads at night!!!!

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