For as long as I can remember, I have always wanted to hit the road… no particular destination. If I like a place, stop and stay awhile and then move on…….
In 1978 , my plan was to do four years in the Air Force, hit the road and head out west on my motorcycle; eventually ending the trip back home in Minnesota. Instead, I did 20 years in the Air Force and raised two great kids: Fritz and Brandis. They are my greatest gift and accomplishment to date.

2017 Letting the wind take me over 13 thousand miles from San Antonio through New Mexico, Colorado, Utah, Arizona, Nevada, the Pacific Coast Hwy, California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, South Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Tennessee, Mississippi, Arkansas, Louisiana and back to Texas.
I left July 13th and returned to San Antonio December 15, 2017. Over that time, I took twelve thousand photos, met over 100 people and have memories of a life time.
An experience I describe as a “Spiritual Journey”; meeting a Native who gave me a Pueblo Tribe name changing my life forever.

“That will be your Indian name,
“Walking The Earth. “
– Geneve McDonold