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Days 4, 5 & 6
June 8, 9 & 10 2019

Past three days have been incredible.  Weather perfect.  80’s day, lower 60’s night.  Sleeping has been the best of the three years so far.

Met my sister Jan and niece Rachael at Zion NP the evening of the 8th.   We had a nice dinner Rachael made.  Sat around the campfire and called it a night early.  They hiked the whole day and were exhausted as I was from getting up early to meet them, driving 7 hours.

Got up to a brisk morning, breakfast and they broke camp to head to Bryce NP.   We hung out for a bit in the shops nearby.  We parted ways around 1 I believe.

I head north and drive by a helicopter pad.  I said to myself,   “Self, if I can get a flight for under 300 bucks I’m going for it.  Over Zion?  A chance I may never get.  Hell yeah”

I turned around to check.    All flts booked nothing going til 3:00.  If I go by myself before 3:00 it would be a short flt 190 bucks.  The more people in the copter the less it costs.   Just so happened there was a flt at 3:00 with two passengers.   So she called them at to see if they would mind me joining them.  They would save $100.00 with a third person.  They agreed…   So, I got a 30 min tour around Zion for $221.00 because I hot an additional 10% military discount.   She also told me anyone in my party would have gotten the military discount….  Jan and Rachael? 

I am so glad I stopped not only for the tour but the events that follow because of it.

I had an hour or so to kill waiting to hear if I was going to get a seat on the helicopter so, I drove to a small town La Virkin UT. Stopped in the River Rock Roasters Coffee shop. I was standing behind a woman… Asked her name, “Jenny! What’s your name” “Dan”
Come to find out she has been on the road trips for three and half years. Just moved to La Virkin two months ago to work at Lodge near Zion… Springdale UT. I told her I shoot photos and do stories, giving her my card. I asked if I write her story and get a photo. She said, “Now? Tonight or tomorrow?
I said, “Tonight, at dinner” She smiled and said “Okay”
We walked to our cars. “Dinner, 7:00 where do you want to meet”
“Stage Coach Restaurant” she said…
“OK… see you at 7:00” I said

The Helicopter tour was incredible. Half hour around Zion. Was a chance of a life time and I’m glad I took it.

Now, I have to find a shower before dinner… Go into Springdale, find a coin shower. Done

Drive back to La Virkin to the restaurant. Just as I sit down, I get an email from Jenny,

“Aloha Dan,   It was nice meeting you today at the coffee shop. I’d like to hear more about your adventures so I’ll follow you on your blog but I can’t make dinner tonight.   Wishing you exciting experiences and safe travels!   Aloha,   Jenny”

So I eat there and send her an email.
“If you change your mind and can get out for a bit, meet me at the coffee shop so I can get a quick story and photo. 15 – 20 minutes” with my phone number.

Went back to the River Rock coffee shop. Was going to write the last two days stories.
15 minutes later Jenny called. “I was real busy today but, I don’t want to bail on you, I will be there in five minutes.” What was supposed to be 15- 20 minute meet, lasted 3 hours?

Jenny is the most incredible and intriguing woman I have ever met.

She told me of her travels and adventures across the states, Hawaii and Thai Land. A certified Yoga instructor and teacher.

Her ex-boy friends father is the person who fought and won the decision for Native Americans to use Peyote legally on the reservations.

Her stories of ceremonies in Hawaii, trip to Thai Land just incredible. Talked about life and how her experiences have changed her, like my trips are changing me.

Her trips across the United States from Oregon to Washington DC are most interesting. She gave me permission to tell the story but, I will leave it be. Just trust me, it is full of adventure, risk and intrigue.

Jenny is the most centered/drama free person I know. I have never connected with a person so quickly. It was spiritual and very difficult to put into words. We spoke of meeting people along the way and how each encounter has an impact in our lives; that everything happens for a reason.

If I hadn’t stopped to check out the helicopter tour, these chain of events wouldn’t have happened. Connections with people we come across in our lives can change us on many levels. Jenny has left a valuable impact on me. Her free spirit, zest for life and adventure is contagious.

Jenny, I’m grateful for the time together. Even though it was a short, I’m going to miss your smile, our conversation. I hope we cross paths again one day.


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