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Days 8 & 9 June 12 & 13
Salt Lake City, UT
Jackson/Grand Teton, WY

12 June – Left Salt Lake yesterday.  Arrived Jackson/Grand Teton around 6pm.  Went to a camp ground pretty much knowing it would be full but never know if you don’t ask.
I was full however, they said I could stay in the parking lot of the Lodge next door.

I went into the bar to grab something to eat.  Sat next to and met Melissa.
Another No-Mad.  She quit her job to meet up with her husband in Spokane WA end of July. 
She left Atlanta, on her own because her husband is in training for Mercedes.  She left May 22, traveling thru St Louis, Kansas, Boulder CO.  Camping and hiking along the; Arches, Moab and Glenwood Falls just to mention a few.

Melissa is driven and lets nothing stand in her way.  Not even a bear.  She carries a knife on her hip for protection from anyone or animal.   Her travels and experiences since leaving have been extensive. So many, too many to write here.   She will be traveling north, to Glacier up into Canada before arriving Spokane.   Poor Melissa will then be going to Hawaii.

As always, good to meet a fellow traveler to exchange experiences.  We agreed how things seem to always fall into place while out and about. Spiritual experiences. It was a pleasure meeting you Melissa.

13 June – Today, Breakfast at the lodge then driving the Grand Teton National Park, shooting photos.  Drove into Jackson WY, an old western town.  A lot of tourists… I, for one, am not a tourist.  I am an adventurer.  Tourists have schedules.  I do not!

This Post Has One Comment

  1. poustinia

    What incredible photos!,,, Like a glimpse into heaven, but there no eye has seen what God has prepared for us….this is just a hint…❤️

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