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19 September, Saturday

Grand Junction, Colorado

Left Montrose for Grand Junction. Thought I would check out downtown this time. Didn’t do that in 2018. Just blew through town.

Saw this old bus parked. Yes, converted into a Camper Bus. Or better known as a, “Schooley.”
It was parked in front of tattoo shop. I waited around awhile but no one came back to the bus.

Took a walk down Mainstreet. Busy with tourists today being it’s Saturday. Taking phots along the way.

I found it interesting to see an alley clear as far as the eye could see. Made for a good shot.

I don’t know why I didn’t ask the name of the dog in the picture. I was just in Auh of it I suppose. Beautiful.

Came across Joel; playing slide cigar box guitar he made.

Cool dude. From Iowa. Moved here in 1982. Two small town stories here.

Graduated from Grand Junction, Iowa and settled in Grand Junction, Colorado. Originally from, Rippy Iowa.

But this one is the best. There is a site called,
“Cigar Box Nation”
As a joke, Joel and a friend put an announcement on the site,

“Cigar Box Guitar Festival in Rippy, IA”

Well, a musician got in touch with them. (Joel can’t remember his name) He said, “I know Rippy Iowa” He had a hard time believing a big music festival was going on in Rippy Iowa. Reason? Rippy’s population at the time was, 302.

Here’s the kicker. This guy, said his father was a Dr in the area back in the day. Well this Dr delivered Joel’s Mother and Uncle.

The word is getting smaller all the time on this trip.

Went back to the Element and ran into the owner of the Tattoo shop. Eena is his name. He also owns the bus. He said has driven, “Him” thru 48 states and South America.. He just got done rebuilding the engine for the second time but said, “It’s old and rusty on the outside and a mess on the inside right now but, I He has one million-one hundred-ten miles on Him.” He allowed me to take a few photos… He had a tattoo customer come in so I couldn’t talk more with him.

I edited the photos to Black and White because it just fits the age of the bus.

And lastly, I found, Denny’s, all night diner so I can edit the photos are write this.

Being it’s last Saturday night a group of folks came in. (bar rush) Laughing having a good time. I think six. Three couples. They sat down at a table. I bit loud, laughing and joking around. Then, out of nowhere, one of the guys gets up and punches one of the guys, with him, in the face.. Girlfriends are screaming, and yelling. Management throws them out. The guy that got punched is bleeding from the nose. The staff brought him ice and a towel to clean up the blood.. They asked if he wanted them to call the police.

“No, I don’t want any trouble. He’s a friend of the family”

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