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Roswell New, Mexico to San Antonio, Texas
503 Miles – 8 hours. In one day? Yes, but not planned.

Nearly a week has gone by since my last post last Tuesday. Like I mentioned then, I was tired and out of sorts Tues when I arrived in Roswell, but Wed got up and drove around. Stopped in the Museum. Interesting what happen in 1946.

That town had a strange vibe to it. Flat, flat, flat and with no rain in weeks or months maybe; it was dry and dusty. Nothing to stop the wind. Aliens everywhere. Big tourist attraction but I think a bit of over kill as you will see in the photos. I guess that, along with the New Mexico Military Institute, is all that is there for the city to stay alive. I was surprised it was a big as it was but again just FLAT. I noticed, I suppose, because I have been around the mountains for weeks so it really stood out.

My plan was to drive thru the Guadalupe Mountains in Texas, as I did, and stay the night at Mt Davis Texas State Park

The moon was full coming up from behind the mountains. I wanted to get up to the top of the scenic drive at the park to get some photos. I managed to get a few while driving up and a few up top along with the sunset.

It was about 8:30 I think by then. I was hungry but I need to find an empty camp site to park for the night. Park was fairly full but I managed to find one. I went to register after hours but the over night envelope slot was closed. I guess due to COVID. I didn’t think much about it. I could pay in the morning.

As I said, I was hungry and now it’s about 9:00. I drove in Fort Davis and like most little villages, everything was closed. Mind you, it’s 9:00 far from my bed time. I was wide awake. I couldn’t see myself sitting in the Element with for hours before falling asleep so, I decide to head to San Antonio. Five and a half more hours. ETA was 2:30 am Thu morning. If I got tired, I could always pull into a truck stop to sleep for the night Interstate Hwy 10 wouldn’t be a problem.

Well, one stop and five hours later, I made it to San Antonio at about 3:30am Thur. Jamming to music all the way, I felt great. Got home and I couldn’t find my house keys in the Element. Spent an hour or so tearing the Element apart looking for the keys. I put them in an Altoid Tin so I wouldn’t forget where they were. You know what I mean, right! Super-secret place where they wouldn’t get lost while traveling!? Yeah!

So, year four of being, “in the wind” has come to a close. It is strange being back this time. I don’t feel like I have a home. The house is a structure and the road had been my home however, this year not at all the same with COVID. The freedom I have come to enjoy over the past three years just wasn’t there this year because of it. I wouldn’t trade if for anything though. Every experience was as unique as the people I met this year. I just wasn’t the same because some were more cautious then others so, it wasn’t as easy to approach people as in the past.

I’m going to think more about it and see if I can better put it into words later.

Until then, enjoy the “Aliens” and the scenery from Roswell New Mexico to San Antonio Texas.

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