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Day 10 – June 14
Grand Teton National Park
What an interesting day I h.  I was about to leave but I ran into Katie who has been working here for six years.  She is from Oklahoma.  She is the Bar Tender her at the lodge.

I was saying goodbye and jokingly said I felt sorry for her because she has to look at the mountains every day.   I told her I wouldn’t mind it though.   Katie said, “We are short on kitchen staff!”

We said goodbye and I went to breakfast.  I mentioned what Katie said to one of the table busser.  She said would check with the manager.  Came back directing me to Human Resources office in the main building.   

Went to check it out at around 1pm…  Kelsey wasn’t going to be in until 3pm.  I decided to wait thinking I could land a job here today.  Will have to put everything on hold as for as continuing on until September.  Postponing my annual Minnesota July visit.   I thought, “I’m going to take the job if offered.  A chance of life time to get hired on the same day as I ask.”

In the meantime, I get a camp site for two more nights here.

So, it’s 3pm and I meet with Kelsey,
“Hi, my name is Dan”
“Hello, I’m Kelsey”
“I was told the or short on kitchen staff at the restaurant.  I will take that job if it’s open.  Do you hire on the spot?”
“Well, I just hired the last position about an hour ago.  But if you go online and fill out an application we may have an opening at any time.  People come and go”
I told her I would for next year.  She said yes that would be best because not all who are here this year will be back next.
So, I will apply and if I would be lucky enough to land a job here, it would be from May 2020 to October 2020.  They provide the place to live right here on site.   I think I could handle that Mountain View every day for six months.

The rest of the day, I shower and do laundry.  Shoot some photos and have dinner.

Tomorrow, I will go Kayaking on the lake.  Head back to Jackson Hole maybe.

Until then……..

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Jancc


  2. Sfriedli

    Wow! Beautiful views! I would want to live there for a year and wake up to those glorious mountains every morning!

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