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Happy Halloween 31 October – San Antonio, TX

A friend was keeping an eye on my house called me on the 13th of October. Walking into the house and it was hot. Over 100 degrees inside. The Air Conditioner went out and for some reason, the heater turned on… Couldn’t shut it down at the thermostat. Only way was to hit the breaker outside the house at the meter.

Fast Forward – 24 Oct, 12:30 AM San Antonio, TX

Even though I left Minnesota few days earlier the planned due to the above, I took my time getting back to San Antonio. I was not looking forward to what I may be in for with the air conditioner. This is the reason why.

I walked into the house and it was 100 degrees plus inside. Opening the door was like opening the oven door on Thanksgiving to check on the Turkey. Wow! What a blast of heat. It was cool outside so I opened up the windows and turned on some fans. Walked to the back door and saw what looked like saw dust on the floor. Looking closer, carpenter ants everywhere. I spent a half hour cleaning that up and trying stop the ants from coming in. I know what you must be thinking.. “Saw dust? Carpenter Ants? How does he know they are carpenter ants?” I looked real close…, the ants were wearing tool belts on. Soooo….

Went back to the front door and see an ant hill. No ants though… I’m guessing with whatever kind of ant they were came in to cool off due to the San Antonio heat… But… with the heat building inside being hotter then outside, they probably said,. “F this,, we’re outa here.”

The house was just not cooling off fast enough so I went to my home on the road, 24 hour Walmart Supercenter to cool off. Being it is October, I thought maybe they would have a clearance on window unit air conditioners. Thought I could use that and return it or just keep it in case of an emergency again or use it on a camper van I might build…. They showed three in stock for $99.00 however inventory wasn’t correct. Only thing they had in the isle was space heaters… Yeah.. great. That’s what I need a SPACE HEATER.

I walked around. Nice and cool. I decide to head home, hoping it cooled down. If not, thought I would just come back, sleep in the Element. I stay at Walmart parking lots traveling anyway so why not. Now, you may be asking why wouldn’t I just sleep in the Element parked in my drive way???? I asked myself that too! I didn’t get an answer.

Just glad I didn’t get into an argument with myself over it. I need the added stress..

Getting back to the house. It was cooler and tolerable but too hot to sleep. It was about 4:30am now. I stay up until I could call the AC repair people at 9. Watched some TV dozing of now and then

The repairman arrives. It was a capacitor and the control circuit board. It failed so it shut down the air conditioner and started up the heater.

I told him not to take the one he replaced. I wanted it. Now, when they said, “control circuit board” I’m thinking board. BIG. Bigger than a computer mother board. I guess because, what we have are called, Heat Exchangers. The system both heats and cools. It can be pricey, if the whole system fails Thankful that didn’t happen.

So, I see so called, “Board. It is only about three inches square. Four connectors. $400.00. I though cool. Didn’t cost me a fortune and then I hit me. That little thing! I could probably find one on Amazon for fifty bucks. I could replace that thing. I told repairman that and he said probably. I asked, “So, I guess since you plugged that thing in, I can’t get a refund.”

He laughed and said no, sorry man. I signed the paperwork, shook his hand and said,

“Until next time” He laughed and said, “oh man you are making me feel bad” Told him I understand that it is livelihood and he is just doing his job. I said it is, “Mr. Air Conditioner” who is making a killing on price of that board.. We both laughed and that was it.

I am now the proud owner of a 3X3 inch control circuit board.. I will be placing the one replaced prominently on the shelf to remind me of my investment because I looked online, sure enough that board costs 25 to 50 bucks. Mine is better cause mine cost 400.

31 October.
Should have waited a week to come back though. There is a freeze warning tonight. HA..

Things are getting back to normal. Finding things in the house the extreme heat effected… Candles that just melted down and stuck together. Weird things in the cabinets ,I guess puddy, that melted into little puddles.

I’ve added some random photos in this post that stood out for me.

Well, the third year of No-Maddness is in the books. Random-ness would be the theme.

 – Every year is a bit different. This year,  introspective.
 – Losing a friend to cancer.
 – Spiritual connections during that journey of his death that will last a life time.
 – Heart ache from other losses. 
 – New friends, playing music, working the door at events.
 – Going to be a Grandparent.

So, until my next journey!!!

I’m just a day away from being on my way.

Don’t know where I’m going, but I’m going to take my time getting there.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. TMCHAN1962

    Sorry to hear. ;(

    1. dconroy

      All is good now. No worries

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