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Day 16  June 20
Cranbrook – Canada
Banff – Canada

Had to stay in a hotel last night and tonight for that matter.  Nowhere to park and sleep.  I was going to chance it but thought I might be spending the next few nights in a Canadian Jail if they don’t look kindly on people sleeping in their cars.    Signs everywhere not too. 

From Cranbrook to Banff.  Rainy and cloudy the whole 150 miles.  Suppose to rain for the next few days and a snow warning for the next two.   It was snowing in the mountains.  Could actually see the mountains turning white thru out the day.

Needless to say, I wasn’t able to get clear mountain tops.   Maybe tomorrow there will be a break.

Banff is really cool little town.  People from all over the world walking the streets; in and out of the little shops along the way.

The temps in the lower 50’s during the day upper 30’s to low 40’s at night.  Doesn’t feel cold though. Perfect for sleeping if I could park.

Don’t know how long I can stay in Canada if I am not able to park and sleep.

Until tomorrow……………

Oh, no signs of a second mouse in the Element this morning.

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. BAoki

    Be safe, ya hear! xo

  2. poustinia

    So majestic looking! Do the Canadians speak French here? The mountains and trees have a different look or feel to me, so thick….

    1. dconroy

      English in this area. It is a different look. Plush!

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