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St Cloud MN
The last couple days
Temps and humidity high here in St Cloud. Comparable to San Antonio actually.

Mom’s friend, Pat, stopped by again. I took a video of these two which is much more entertaining then the still photos. Talking from funeral dinners, investments, to love and laughter. This is both funny and touching.

Took a walk around my old stomping grounds. Night life has improved since than; music venue wise that is. As for all of us haning out, wasn’t any better then that.

Mom and I took a drive to Minneapolis to see Brandis and Tomo’s new apartment today. She has so much style. Check out her shades.

It was quite the journey for Mom. It took a lot out of her. She said in her quick, funny and witty way, “This is my last trip. It is just to much for me these days. The next trip I take will be to the cemetary.” It may sound harsh but you have to know Mom’s sense of humor to get it. She is quick witted.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. poustinia

    Love your entry here, but you forgot to post the photos and video…

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