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Left Las Cruces for Big Bend National Park. Noticed on the map Guadalupe Peak, the highest point in Texas, elevation of 8,751 feet. A long drive in the desert from El Paso to the Peak. It was the first of three times stopped by the Border Patrol. About ten miles after going thru the check point. I saw three men running across the road ahead then hiding in a low area of wash out. Know way of knowing for sure but, I’m guess they were illegal aliens making their way across the desert. Don’t know why they would behave in that way for any other reason.

When I arrived at the Peak, cold and windy…. I saw a woman sitting in a Mercedes Sprinter. I had to check out her set up. Kathy from Missouri. Her first trip in her Sprinter. The set up was pretty much the same as mine but so much bigger. Can stand it in. She had been in Santa Fe, Albuquerque, Flagstaff, Sedona and Phoenix. Every year she travels to Europe on a Pilgrimage and hikes 500 miles. We had a great visit exchanging our ideas for how we set up our home on wheels.

Onward to Big Bend National Park. More miles and miles of desolated desert. Kept thinking how they traveled by wagon and horseback as they made their way west. Very rugged.

Lived here in Texas since 1990. Heard about Big Bend but had no idea how great the mountains were out here.

I stopped for gas. Didn’t intend to stay at the park until I met Noal and Will who work for the park. Will is from Sacramento CA and Noal from Fort Worth Texas. Will has been working there for 1 ½ years while Noal only 7 months. Both wanted out of the big city and try something new and different. Told me I could easily get a job at any of the national parks. Noal said she went to coolworks.com and was hired in a day’s time. They convinced me to go to Chisos Basin for the night. (see 28 November “Camping here tonight” photo) I loved their sense of adventure.

It was a cool night, not cold. It felt good to be back sleeping in the Element that night. 45 degrees.

Up early to have breakfast on the day 182, 29 Nov. Met Becky who waited on me, from Coco Beach Florida. She just arrived from Boundary Waters Minnesota a week prior. She works on parks all across the country, Grand Titon’s, Pacific Coast Highway, Vermont and Utah which she said the whole state should be declared a National Park… Boundary Waters was getting a bit to cold so she came down to Big Bend for the winter then she hopes to get to Alaska for the summer 2019. Loves to hike and camp and be out and away from the city.

After breakfast, go out on the park back roads to Santa Elena Canyon. As I was walking the trail, I saw a gentleman sitting on the seat of his walker.
“Hello… how are you” I asked…
“I’ve been better” he said
“What’s going on”
“I just had both hips replaced, pins and rods in my knee and leg, I’m rehabbing”
I said, “Wow,, really and you are out here on this trail.. You are very inspiring”
He thanked me and I continued on. About 25 yards down the trail, I stopped and thought, “I need to go back and talk to him.” He seemed troubled and I was inspired by him being out so soon after surgery.

“My name is Dan and you are?”
“Pleased to meet you Michael, where are you from”
“From California but moved to Alpine” Alpine TX is about 100 miles from the park.
“How come you moved to Alpine” I asked.
“Family, my sister”
“That’s nice” I said
“My wife just died Oct 3rd”
“OH, I’m so sorry to hear that Michael, What was her name,”
“Karen, she had cancer”
I ask how long they had been married.
“17 years, she worked for 15 years after being diagnosed”
“That is inspiring, just like you” I said
Michael, broke down weeping, Struggling to talk thru the tears,
“If I could only be half of what she was”
I put my hand on his shoulder for comfort, “I’m so sorry for your loss, Michael”
It was then his sister, Amy and friend Joeh walked up.. I introduced myself and said what a great brother and friend they had. I asked for a picture, they agreed…
We parted.
“I will keep you in my prayers, Michael”
He teared up, “Thank you Dan, thank you.”

As we parted I thought after all Michael has been thru, he is out here enjoying life the best he can. Truly a lesson to live by.

I took photos of the canyon and began my journey on Old Maverick Road, the desert road I wrote about earlier.

When got back to Chisos Basin, where I stayed the night, I went to the little store. A woman with a bunch of kids from a church group were there. She was a bit loud but in a fun jovial way. Sarcastic. I knew we would get along… She had an accent, It sounded British,,,,
“Where are you from in England” I asked
“Oklahoma” She said
(This was going to be fun, I thought)
“Really, is that in Essex or Suffolk” I said..
She laughed, “Neither, I’m from Melbourne Australia… I fooled you” She said
we walked outside and sat on the bench just by the entrance.

“What’s your name” I asked
“What brings you here Sue”
“ I’m here with, “The Village School” from Houston, A private school. We bring the 9th graders here every year”
Sue said she moved to Houston because her Husband is in the Oil business and he was hired on [n Houston.
I told her about my travels. Asked I could take a photo and write her story. She was happy to.
They had to get on the big coach bus. So we said goodbye. She had so much “Life” in her voice. Fun, funny and anyone around could tell the kids absolutely adored here.

Went to pay for a second night. Decided to stay and hike in the morning… As drive up to my site, I see a red Element, I pulled up next it. I said to them as I say to every Element owner,
“I have a motto, Element owners are friends even before we meet”
They laughed and agreed… Dan and Emili. Dan from New York, Emili from Vermont. Same setup in the back as mine only difference is they had a double platform for their bedding… Hikers and adventures.

I got up the next morning went for a mile and a half hike. It was steep and rocky, I rolled my ankle but no sprain. Thankfully… I was short but difficult since I’m not an avid hiker.

On my way out, I had to stop for gas again. Noal was there working… Another Element at the pump, Mark, and his Brother, Eden they looked at my setup… Mark he owner said he was going to set his up for traveling soon. Was grateful for me showing him mine and gave him some suggestions.

So, there is Kathy, Noal, Will, Becky, Michael, Amy, Joah, Sue, Dan, Emili, Mark and Eden I mentioned on day 183.

Fantastic place, Big Bend. Great people from all walks of life.

My heart goes out to Michael for his loss, keep him in your prayers.

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