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Started the day at Starbucks. Canon City CO. Met Ellie Till there. Most know how much time I spend at Starbucks. Ellie Till is one of the best Barista’ of them all. Welcome to the group Ellie.

Before leaving Canon City. I drove Skyline Drive. A one way road high above the city.

Great day of driving. Flat and straight highway’s as far as the eye can see. Never seen anything like it before.

Thru the mountains from Canon City to Alomosa. Came across the sign, “Great Sand Dunes National Park.” I saw no sand dunes. If so “Great” I should see them from the highway. Right? I drove by the sign drove a few miles further. I looked to my right, and saw something odd at the foot of the mountains. Must be the dunes, so I turned around. When I think of dunes, I think of the White Sands National Park in NM. Beautiful but nothing like the Great Sand Dunes. I darker grey and huge. Something else that was odd was seeing snow in the area of sand dunes.

If you zoom in on the dunes, you will see people on and on top of the dunes. I gives you some perspective on how huge, “Great” the dunes are. The colors and shadows were amazing. Here are a few photos of the day.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Jancc

    I believe I’m in!

    Beautiful photos!

    1. dconroy

      Great and thanks

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