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Of all the canyons I’ve seen in the past two years, there is a reason it is called the “Grand Canyon”
All are unique in their own way but, the name “Grand” describes it perfectly.
Again today, soo many people. Long traffic lines, waiting to get into the park and then parking.
Although it’s off season, one of the disadvantages are the sun sets early. 11am is the best time to be out in these areas because the sun is at its highest point…. I didn’t get up early enough plus the traffic put me at a disadvantage ….. Still, an amazing place to see. So cold up but, in the summer very hot.
Everything has a tradeoff.

Cooooold in Flagstaff but no snow… Unusual this time of year. I am looking forward to warmer weather the further south I go. However, it hasn’t worked out that way. Mostly because of the high altitude I suppose. Just checked the weather in San Antonio… 60’s and 70’s. Although a friend said it got down into the 20’s early this week. Wonder what I will be greeted with once I return in the next few days.

Almost forgot,,,, the Asian woman in the photo? She pulled me into her selfie and then she stood for mine. She didn’t speak English so, I high fived and fist bumped her.

We both laughed.. Laughter – an international language.

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