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May 23-25 2021 

Wow.  Where do I begin. The IRONMAN race was/is unbelievable.  As I said before, I can’t get my head around a 2.4-mile swim, 112-mile bike and 26.2-mile marathon.   It’s one thing to think about and another to witness.    At least for me. 

Over two thousand participants, starting at 6AM until the last person finishes.

Patrick Lange of Germany and Daniella Ryf of Switzerland finished first in the men’s and woman’s Ironman Championship in Tulsa.

Lang finished in 7 hours, 45 minutes and 22 seconds, dedicating his win to his late mother who died in 2020 of cancer.

Ryf finished with a time of 8 hours, 40 minutes and 34 seconds… 

People from all over the world in all shapes, sizes, genders, ages and some with physical disabilities.
I felt both inadequate and inspired.   As they were coming around the final bend, I kept thinking they are finishing a 26.2 marathon and, in the moment, I had to remind myself of the 2.4-mile swim and 112-mile bike prior to coming around that bend.    So impressive.    For me, hard describe.

I didn’t get a lot of photos because I wasn’t prepared for what I was witnessing.  In total “Awe.”

I’ve always wanted to run a marathon and was ready to train that day; feeling so inspired.  The question now is, will I and can I with physical limitations.   Physical limitations didn’t stop them so, it is purely motivation, mental and self-imposed limitations if I don’t. Only thing stopping me is, me.

My Nephew Ron?    He hoped to be under 11 hours but had Hamstring issues during the swim.   Just think about that.   Coming out of a 2.4-mile swim hurting yet finishing. Obviously disappointed in his time, we kept telling him, “Dude, you finished.”  A true warrior.  I didn’t take note of his time actually because I was simply so impressed with the finish.

Ron said, “I will look at things I can improve, train and do it again in September” I really can’t  add anything to that.  Except, so proud and so happy I witnessed your  victory, Ron.

Enjoy the photos and if you feel discouraged about anything, do what I’m doing; think about these warriors and what they accomplished.

(I will be adding more photos as I get them from Ron’s sister Lyn)

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Lyd


  2. Sfriedli

    Awesome race!!! So inspiring!! Thanks for all the photos!.

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